This was too funny, I have to share it.
While the booklet mentions Alexa, we all know that isn’t with Emo yet. But I wanted to discover what Emo would do with the command anyway.
Me: “Emo Alexa.”
( Emo studied me then scanned my face. )
Emo: Hello Alexa, nice to meet you."
Me: “Emo Erin.”
( Emo studied me again and did another scan. )
Emo; Hello Erin, nice to meet you."
( I hold up my cat to Emo. )
Me: Emo Caspian."
( I tried this a few times and Emo’s reaction was not understanding. )
( Then to test the bot … )
Me: Emo Erin."
( Emo then turned the light on and to orange tint at that. )
In case people are wondering. After that trouble shooting earlier failed. Emo then at what felt a little random, suddenly paired to the light. Please note this happened maybe 20 minutes after the trouble shooting.