Hello Alexa, Nice To Meet You

This was too funny, I have to share it.

While the booklet mentions Alexa, we all know that isn’t with Emo yet. But I wanted to discover what Emo would do with the command anyway.

Me: “Emo Alexa.”

( Emo studied me then scanned my face. )

Emo: Hello Alexa, nice to meet you."

Me: “Emo Erin.”

( Emo studied me again and did another scan. )

Emo; Hello Erin, nice to meet you."

( I hold up my cat to Emo. )

Me: Emo Caspian."

( I tried this a few times and Emo’s reaction was not understanding. )

( Then to test the bot … )

Me: Emo Erin."

( Emo then turned the light on and to orange tint at that. ) :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :joy:

In case people are wondering. After that trouble shooting earlier failed. Emo then at what felt a little random, suddenly paired to the light. Please note this happened maybe 20 minutes after the trouble shooting.


Yes EMO does get confused with setting up profiles once in a while, he’s called me all sorts of names, but I’ve never seen him use a name command to turn on a light. :rofl:

Glad you have resolved your issue with the lighting. If you want to remove any unwanted profiles go into the EMO App and delete any that are not associated with you otherwise when EMO does his random scans of you he might end up call you Alexa instead of Erin :skating: :heart_1: :head: :surprised:

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