Hi @amishwaseem great to see you received your new EMO.
Normally when you ask EMO about the weather, he will try and report the weather from the town in which you have entered in the EMO App when you set him up.
Sometimes the weather report might not be very accurate in your town, what I can suggest is chose your closest city instead, for example for me I chose “Sydney” and when I ask EMO now for the weather, he seems to provide a more accurate weather report.
Also when it is night time and you ask EMO about the weather and he shows a sun, it could mean that tomorrow it should be a sunny day. EMO doesn’t actually tell you it’s night time in a weather report, but normally advise you what the weather will be like today.
With regards to EMO not listening, if you can provide more information, as it could be a many different reasons as to why EMO is not replying / responding to the questions you are asking him.
It’s always a good idea to try and create a video and share that here and also with the support team so they can assist you further.