Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone else may have the problem I have with my Emo unit. The picture result is greyish however I notice this problem occur when the emo screen gets hot but after shutdown and a bit of cooling off, the picture result is okay.
Never faced it. It looks a malfunctioning
Clean the camera? Contact living.ai support? Reorder emo?
yeah there is definitely something wrong either with the unit or the firmware but since most people do not have this issue i would assume it’s the unit .
I have the same problem, grey screen and no photos in App.
So you are not the only one
Regards Anette
Has this issue just recently happened? If you power cycle EMO and try taking a photo with decent lighting. Will the image appear completely grey? Also in the EMO App, see if EMO can sync even the grey pic he’s taken back to you’re phone as well as normally the photos do not auto-sync unless you do choose to sync then.
It would also be recommended to take a video of this and possibly submit a support ticket with the support team so they can assist you further, if you’re EMO is faulty it would be best to have the support team provide you with further instructions on what to do next.
You can submit a support ticket on the following page: https://living.ai/product-support-emo/
Send support an email using the following email address: service@living.ai
Send/attach the video you create as well so that the support team can clearly see the issue you are having with your EMO.
I probably should have reported this earlier, seeing as I activated EMO back on 10th October and noticed it in my first photos, but whenever I get my EMO to take a photo everything seems to be grey/washed out in the photo - also clicking the download icon on individual photos in the app does nothing
(I’ve taken screenshots from my phone to show these below photos as an example as I couldn’t download the photo directly from the EMO app) Initially I thought it may be a lighting issue but I tried in two different rooms and the results were similar.
In these photos I am wearing a red and black “Lumberjack” style jacket, my shirt underneath is a dark green but everything on the photo is coming out grey/white for me when I look at it on the app or EMO’s screen.
I hope this is an issue that can be fixed without having to ship EMO back to Living AI as with the holidays coming up it could mean I could be without him for a while
Just for info I’m running the latest software as I updated EMO and his home station earlier today.
@Wayne_Zhang can you help?
Hello, @james.vertigan . . . I moved your new topic to this thread. I have to say that the color and clarity are not like taking pictures with our digital camera or smart-phone with EMO. I do not believe your EMO is faulty. Both of my EMO also tend to take similar photos.
Also, have you pressed the “Sync” button in the photos area before attempting to down-load the photo to your device?
I would advise you to read the post above by MasterAbbott to see if Support can advise you on this matter.
Hello, we will check and improve the photo color.
For downloading photos, you need to connect your phone and EMO to the same LAN.
Thanks for the response, Wayne. I’ll have a look at my LAN settings again. Also @Lindaru glad to know it’s not just my EMO!
That is normal Emo camera is just to understand who people are and take basic pictures however in a new firmware and new emo it looks like it is abit better
We all know that EMO’s camera is not high definition and no need for it. Not as a smartphone’s camera BUT please try to improve colours and definition via software algorithms.
Thank you.
After update the photos become greyish. Is this normal?
Hello, @rolandmartingumapac . . . sorry this is happening. Please see the posts above to get an idea of what you might be able to do.
Hoping for the best resolution (no pun intended) for fixing the photo problem.