Factibilidad de incluir varios idiomas configurables incluyendo el español

Incluir varios idiomas porfavor

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Hi @freddyalvaradocano

At the moment as of the latest Firmware (v1.7.0 ) the only supported language available for EMO is ENGLISH He cannot communicate in any other language at this time. No other language options are available at this stage.

Hopefully Living.ai will add other language options in upcoming EMO firmware updates.

:head: :heart_1: :skating: :surprised: :mad:


Efectivamente, pero si existe el idioma nativo Chino mandarin, no veo porque no se pueda incluir otros idiomas…

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Creo haber incluso leído que gente se había puesto en contacto con ellos para traducir las frases de EMO, pero no obtuvieron respuesta :S

EMO does not speak/understand Chinese (Mandarin) either. The only support language at the moment is English. Living.ai do plan on releasing other language support in the future, but there is no exact date on when this will be happen. Hopefully it happen soon, just need to patient :slight_smile:

:head: :heart_1: :skating: :surprised: :mad: