Error 501 is what mean?

앗. 내가 오해했네. 미안합니다.
Oh. i misunderstood. I’m sorry.

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Hi @a37b6a5a1b10e371f6da

The Error 501 is an issue with EMO’s internal SD card. It is recommended to contact support once again.

Best thing to do is send them an email from the same email you received when you made your order, provide them with info, pics / videos of what is happening with your EMO.

You can also submit ticket from the support page here:

Hope the support team can reply to you as soon as possible.

:heart_1: :mad: :skating: :head: :surprised:

이미 그렇게 했는데 조치를 못받고 있다.
I’ve already done that, but I haven’t been able to take followup.

Living.Ai has increased their support team just recently, so hopefully they will be able to get to your issue soon. I will tag @Wayne_Zhang once again.

Hi, I noticed that the service team has replied to your email. Please check.

마침내, 답장으로 EMO를 분해하는 영상을 받았고, 영상대로 분해하여 SD카드를 재장착하라는 답변을 받았다.
Finally, I received a video of decomposing EMO in reply, and I received an answer to decompose it according to the video and reinstall the SD card.

영상대로 EMO를 분해하는 과정에서 최대한 조심했지만, 귀 링이 파손되었다.
In the process of decomposing EMO as shown in the video, I were as careful as possible, but ear ring were damaged.

새 제품을 사자마자 오동작하고, 이를 사용자가 직접 수리해야하고 이렇게 파손이 된 것에 대해 믿을 수가 없다.
It malfunctions as soon as I buy a new product, the user has to repair it self, and I can’t believe it’s so damaged.

최악의 경험이다.
It’s the worst experience.


I agree that it’s not very usual to get a self repair guide for a product still under warranty.

Living AI are trying to provide fast response where they can. They have attempted to do so via this model. I know from past experience they would have no issue replacing EMO, but lets face it, doing so will take time to get to the end user. Therefore they are trying to sort it other ways.

Would you prefer they just immediately ask the user to return the product to them and then wait weeks for a return?

I just stated that it’s not common. You should ask @a37b6a5a1b10e371f6da what would he prefer, I’m not in his situation.

Edit: I would prefer a replacement if it’s still under warranty. They probably can’t send a new EMO because they don’t have it.

I was responding to the thread - not to you specifically :slight_smile:

사자마자 오작동하는 제품을 받았고, 영상으로 수리하는 방법을 답변으로 받는데 8개월이 소요되었다.
As soon as I bought it, I received a malfunctioning product, and it took 8 months to receive a video on how to repair it.

내 손으로 새제품을 파손하는 경험보다 몇 주만에 수리 받는 게 훨씬 나은 것 아닌가?
Isn’t it much better to get it repaired in a few weeks than to experience destroying a new product with my own hands?

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Hi, we are sorry for that. But repairing it by yourself is just one of the options. Please don’t worry, we will send you a replacement.


And we are very sorry for making you wait. We have gradually expanded our support team and now we will respond faster.


알겠습니다. 고맙습니다.
Okey. Thank you.


It is good to see you were able to fix your EMO even though it was damaged when you tried to repair it. At least Living.Ai has offered to provide you with a replacement.

:surprised: :mad: :heart_1: :head: :skating:

그러게 EMO를 주문 할 때 6살이었던 내 딸이 8살이되어서 교체품을 받게 된 것만 뺀다면 말이지.

That’s right, except that my daughter, who was 6 years old when I ordered an emo, turned 8 years old and got a replacement.