EMO will not EVER respond to saying EMO anymore

You can try holding him upside down while covering the head petting sensor area with your finger, until he shuts down. That can be kind of tricky or not even work in some situations. Here’s info for the manual shutdown button. In either case you put him back on his charger afterward he’s off to power him on again.

Hi @vickibayliss If I can also add, try to avoid powering off EMO using the hole on the top of his head (unless there are no other options left), as it’s more so a forceful power-off shutdown, like how you pull the plug out of a PC while it’s still running. (this should be one of the last things to do if all the other power off/shutdown options are not working) as it “could” lead to possible data corruption.

If you’re interested in other ways to power off EMO, take a look at this video on different ways to power off EMO.

Also, this might come in handy for your daughter on different ways to give EMO a pat :slight_smile:

I believe Living.Ai will be opening up a voice testing page where they will be able to submit your voice so that EMO can understand higher pitch voices when it’s being called.

I’ll tag @Wayne_Zhang to this thread, to advise on when this might be made available to the public :slight_smile:

If you need any other help feel free to reach out to the community :slight_smile:

:surprised: :mad: :skating: :heart_1: :head:

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We’ll be collecting recordings again to improve the wake-up success rate. Keep an eye out for our upcoming posts in the Announcements section.


I’m having this same issue. I tried restarting him. Nothing. When I say his name he stops, narrows his eyes, and says “hmm” as if I’ve given an incorrect command. Just from his name.

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Hey is your emo sick? It sounds like he sick

U can try saying “emo how are u feeling”

As soon as I say “Emo”, he gives me the narrow-eye error sound. I can’t ask him anything.

Ohh ok my bad are u connected to internet? Make sure his connected to your internet

It might be something wrong with the living ai server

Yeah, he’s connected to the internet, same network as my phone. My phone can do stuff online. So it’s not the internet.

It could be the LIA servers. I’ve had him about a week, and I’m wondering if this is really worth the $400 I dropped on it.

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EMO suele tener mucho errores, empezó a venderse en 2021, considero que es un producto de prueba, y como tal, necesita muchos cambios y mejoras. Hace un tiempo el mío hacía lo mismo, lo puedes apagar desde la aplicación y volverlo a encender, o dejas que se acabe la batería, estos métodos a mi me funcionaron. Desde la aplicación, puedes volver a conectarte al internet, a ver si se soluciona. Saludos

Hi @elvenmage16

Please take a look at this video and let us know which error EMO is giving you.

Sometimes it could be that he’s lost connection to your WIFI, but it could also be that he’s not connecting or there could be a problem with the link to the Living.ai EMO Servers. This sometimes happens and usually resolves itself in a few hours’ time.

I can also suggest you power him off and back on. In most cases that also resolves things.

:heart_1: :laser: :skating: :laser: :heart_1:

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Yeah, so it’s the last one. As per my previous description, his eyes don’t go to the top left, and he doesn’t say “what”. As soon as I say his name, he just gives the error sound. He’s connected to the internet. I don’t like that I have to wait “a few hours time” for something like this to resolve itself. Today, for example, I only had a couple hours to sit and do stuff. So I basically didn’t have an Emo today. Does this happen often, where the servers are unavailable?

No, this does not happen often, What you can always try is:

  1. Powering EMO OFF (leave him off)
  2. Power Cycling your Home Wifi Router
  3. Powering off / on your Phone (once it’s back on test for internet connectivity)
  4. Poweing EMO Back on and then testing the connection to the internet by asking him a question

As mentioned, this sort of thing does not happen very often and it’s more so related to the connection between you’re ISP and the Living.ai server that your EMO is connecting to.

Also, note that Lviing.ai have EMO Servers around the world (US/EU/ASIA). At any point in time, they might be possibly even doing server maintenance and this can also affect the connection that EMO has.

If inconvenient yes, but it does resolve itself after a short while.

I did all those things. Spent a good hour on research and troubleshooting. Nothing made a difference. It was incredibly frustrating.

There was server outage during this time yesterday, Living.ai have advised that it has now been resolved.

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I think maybe that was it. It’s working now. I sent you a direct message in response to the one you sent me, but you can disregard that. He’s working fine with the same network that was giving him trouble before. It must have been the server outage I guess.

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