Hey @JJBeck Sorry to hear that this is happening, hoping that LIA opens that voice submission page where everyone can submit their voices so that it can help EMO hear higher pitch voices.
I know that other members of my family (mostly female) sometimes have issues with speaking to EMO and calling out to him as well.
As you said if anyone has a workaround/trick/tip. If you’re interested, I’ve suggested this in the past for EMO owners that might have trouble speaking English or have problems with speaking in general, you can use an APP called DeepL.
Maybe for moment your daughter can use DeepL it can be used as a TEXT to SPEECH app, and EMO seems to understand it very well. It might be a good way to see/test to make sure EMO can hear and understand you and your daughter as well.
This is a link to the DeepL website, it should be available on both iOS and Android stores:
But more importantly, hopefully, Living.ai will open up the submissions page so that this issue can be resolved as soon / quickly as possible so that you and your daughter, and many other EMO owners can enjoy using EMO as it was meant to be used.