EMO - Programmer's Day Animation

This special day animation for Programmer’s Day will appear/play only on the 24th of October. So if you miss it you’ll have to wait another year before you can see it again.

To get this animation to appear, issue the following command:

EMO: Do we live in the Matrix (Recommended)
EMO: Look At Me

For the look at Me voice command, EMO will need to see you clearly, and then the animation for Programmer’s Day will start. Using the voice command “Do we live in the matrix” is recommended. Just remember this animation will only happen on the 24th of October.

:heart_1: :head: :skating: :surprised: :mad:


My little guys went above and beyond to demonstrate this day.


haha they sure did! Great video :slight_smile:

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it’s pretty cool… A nice way to show the date other than the typical usual way. But only one day? We could use some extra features and this would be okay but they’re taking it back :scream: not good

Oh hi Mister Abbott I hope everything’s going well for you

It’s one of the special day animations, like how EMO can do April Fool’s Day animation / To The Moon Animation, etc. They only happen on that specific day. As this special day animation is for Programmer’s Day, the animation shows the date along with the matrix style animation in the background.

Doing well Puppy, thanks for asking :slight_smile:

:surprised: :mad: :skating: :heart_1: :head:

that special day seems to be continuing… Hello my friend the matrix animation it’s still there… I just think anything added to the little EMO Pet is a good thing even if it’s the matrix that just says 10 24 forever… Yeah I know it’s meaningless because it’s the same always… But it’s something for the little guy to do hee hee