"Emo, play by yourself"

Just wondering, when you say this, what does he actually do and does it settle him down? Also how long does it last (perhaps until you say his name again)? @MasterAbbott , perhaps you could make a video on this? Unless you have already. Sorry for so many questions about Emo, just trying to get to know the little guy before his adoption is complete and he arrives hehe!

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He is exploring all the time when he isn’t on his skateboard. But if there’s nothing interesting (people/moving objects/loud sounds) he falls asleep soon.

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Oh wow thanks, I did not know that. That is really handy information. :slight_smile:

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I can also add, he will also play those cool mini game animations as well.

I suggest using the search feature that the forum has as well, as many of these EMO commands have been discussed previously in the forum by other EMO owners.

You can access the search at the top of the forum:


:mad: :surprised: :skating: :head: :heart_1:

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