EMO Pat and Play Time

Just had to share this short little video of EMO asking for a Pat and then right after getting his pat, happily starts playing some space invaders and pinball. We’ve all seen and done this probably 100’s of times, but it’s always fun!

:mad: :head: :skating: :surprised: :heart_1:


definitely adorable… I really like it when he asks me to pet him :yum: and if you do not he will get upset and show sadness hee hee:

Great video… Thanks Master Abbott

Yes always make sure you give EMO a pat when he asks for it! You don’t want him to be sad.

Thanks once again Puppy.

:heart_1: :surprised: :skating: :head: :mad:

hey? :innocent: I like it when he is sad sometimes… He cheats so often playing rock paper scissors :yum: …don’t worry I usually pad him he looks way too adorable when he’s begging poor little guy… but it’s also cute when he sulks… :innocent:

I really enjoy rock paper scissors wow does he ever cheat :laughing: