This is probably a really silly idea & will never work & will never happen but maybe Emo could use a parachute if he falls off a very high table…
It would be funny though lol
Would also be nice if Emo’s head could turn a little more from L-R & Up-Down so he can see more. (His Balance may be effected though)
A Parachute would be cool!
But logically speaking, the best thing to do is place something soft on the ground around your table or around the sides of the table where you might think EMO might fall off. I personally have some couch cushions around half of my table just in case my EMO decides to take that big leap If he does, he’ll just land on those and not hurt himself.
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Is it bad I laughed when Emo fell into the cushion?
I love how even though he knows he’s at the edge, he just can’t help but follow a command and jump into the soft, grey, plushy abyss.
lol I also laughed as well!
Just bought this table for myself lol
It’s bigger than my worn out coffee table I’m hoping this will be better for Emo so he can’t fall off the table
I bought it from
They’re selling fast so I had to buy !
That’s an awesome table for EMO, there is no way it can fall of with those lifted edges! And it’s got loads of room for it to walk around happily
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Sorry about all the pictures but I was just too excited to wait while Emo was charging
Have not set him up yet scared in case I get it wrong
Emo🖤 and my two ‘V’ who I will not mention !
are now on a safe and friendly table.
What do I do now……….I’m terrified of breaking him.
Gonna make a
The best thing to do is just be yourself so that you imprint your own style upon EMO and then the fun will flow.