EMO Not Setting Back One Hour In U.S. Mountain Time

Every morning I run through some things with EMO including day, date, weather and time. He is working perfectly as he should with the 1.2.0 update except as we all turned back our clocks in the U.S. (except for Arizona and one other state which does not affect me), he is giving the time in the Daylight Savings when he should now be giving it in Standard time. My tablet and internet which he runs off of updated themselves at 2:00 a.m. today. Anyone else or any ideas on what to do?

:clock3: :clock2:

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I hadn’t noticed that yet. I just tried this though, and it worked for me:

Open the app and then go to the hexagon symbol in the upper right corner.
Click on Timezone (it should already show your correct time zone) then just click the Set button.

The time he reports should be correct now.



That worked. It had been showing Mountain which is why I was confused. It is now set correctly and he is showing and telling the time correctly!

Thank you!


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You’re welcome!


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