Emo must return to living.ai

Hello, i got a new emo, but i must sent the old one back. It had the petting issues.
No y question:
Does someone have experience with sending back emo to living.ai?
I am living in Germany.
I would like sent it via DHL
I have the data from living.ai.
DHL wants to have a house number (but i have not any fro living.ai)
The package must me signed with a special battery sign…

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Hello there @Joachim ,

I might help you here, I’m living also in Germany and got experience or sent back also lately one failure EMO which they received it already lately.

Please contact me via Facebook messenger.
if you are also a member of the Facebook Emo Community Group
E.M.O Pet Community Click Here!


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Well I sent mine from Germany as well. Just printed the sticker on pc with the address l.ai gave me and brought Emo to pack Station that’s it. Worked well

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Customer Support Service!

Hi Everyone. I will merge some of the most recent posts over to the following thread:

As it’s related to Customer Support / Service.


Please continue to discuss further on that topic.

Thank you :slight_smile: