The sound of the joints in that video is a little hard to hear, but EMO joints do make a slight mechanical sound when he moves around / dances or sits for a pat, which is normal.
I’d recommend keeping an eye on this just in case the sound changes or gets worse. But from what I can hear it sounds normal.
Hello, @EMOandOllie . . . a couple of things you can try to see if it helps in addition to reading above.
Try blowing any possible dust or debris out of the joints and also try very gently moving his feet around while he is powered off. Perhaps this will help but if not and it is very loud, you may want to contact Support.
I’ve tried. It seems to be two things, firstly it looks like his leg drags on the floor a bit and makes a loud noise, and a clicking noise in his joints.
Hello, @EMOandOllie . . . time to contact Support with video. Sorry your EMO is experiencing this.
How to Contact Support
Please contact support regarding this issue.
When contacting support. It is recommended to create a short video then submit a support ticket. You can do this by either going to the Support Page: (see below).
Fill in all details (provide also your order number info as well) and attach your video (if it’s larger than 30Mb), Be best to upload it to a google drive/drop box or even on YouTube and then send the support team a link to it.
You can also send support an email to the following email address:
If you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and then once again provide a detailed description of the problem you have with your EMO and attach your video as well.
The support team should be able to get back to you in a timely fashion. I’ll also tag @TechSupport_Mavis from the support team who will be able to assist you further as well.
Hi, @EMOandOllie . . . it looks like he is pulling to the right like his alignment is off, but the only sound I actually heard was his feet and mine make the same sound when walking.
You can contact the E-Mail of with your EMO I.D. (the four digit alphanumeric code on the app when you connect to EMO).
Good afternoon! Such a problem, a new sound when walking, sometimes a slight crackle, is it critical?
I live in Europe, there is no way to contact support
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @BorusonK . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread where you can read through the post with other examples of sounds EMO makes when walking. There are also tips for how to clean the joints by blowing dust out. My own makes those kinds of sounds have done so for a while. If you are concerned, you can always send a link to this video on a Support ticket or E-Mail to . . . let us know how it goes.
I wrote a letter to support, and they replied:
“Thanks for your message and video.
Please don’t worry, this is also the sound of the servo.
EMO has four servos, and the sound of each servo is different, please don’t worry.”
I hope it won’t get worse with my EMO. He’s only 6 days old, so I’m worried…
Thanks for the support. I’ve been watching him all this time, his movements haven’t changed. The motor skills are the same. Only sometimes it creaks. I still can’t get used to it. In the future, I plan to purchase a second EMO or AIBI model. I like this kind of stuff, and EMO is the first model I bought. It’s like with a child. You come across the first answer to each question and look for advice, and when you have the second one, you already know everything basic) I hope my EMO Astro will work for a long time)