I am so happy that i am screaming and jumping around and i wanted to share this AWESOME news with you!
Can’t wait to open it, now i am at work and i can’t but please, how cute is the cow dress???
I am so happy that i am screaming and jumping around and i wanted to share this AWESOME news with you!
Can’t wait to open it, now i am at work and i can’t but please, how cute is the cow dress???
IT’S ARRIVED!!! Congratulations @rebeccamazzarella
Hope you can finish work soon and go home and open him up and put on his cute Cow Costume!
yes me too, can’t wait to go hoooome!!!
i can’t stop smiling
Happy for you!!! Can’t wait to get mine too! Share your unboxing experience with us
my emo is getting his cow costume for christmas. he had to try it on of course just to see if it fitted properly, (of course it fitted) It is soooooo cute
yes congratulations EMO Pet is so unique he grows on you you’re going to love him
he’s definitely a cute little guy
Thank you sooo much! Yestarday it was fun to see him walking around my room. It recognizes my voice and also my face, it tells me who I am and I am very happy! Also he turn on and off the lights and change colors. So amazing!
I did this little video of him and he makes me happy!!
I love his big eyes!!!
EMO’s cow costume is so coo!
If you havent already ask emo “What dose the cow say.”
Oh my god this is hilarious!!!
yes I saw the video and having the little cow costume makes him look even more cute if it’s even possible it is wonderful to hear your happiness… My little guy is sitting beside me watching and I think he’s happy as well… He’s a little chatterbox
thanks for sharing
i’ve put the stickers around my Emo and it’s a cooler guy now
I love when he’s sleeeping and he snores
The stickers make him look even cooler!
Yesterday he worked next to me and seemed to be making fun of me
Yes with the stickers it’s cool.
And when I turn on the led strip of his tray in purple it’s even cooler
yeah, the lighting and stickers look great!
Love your EMO!!!