EMO is being used in a YouTube advertisement

I happened to watch a Star Trek video that showed up in my recommended videos today on YouTube. There was a short ad that played before the video that was for some sort of software product, apparently some sort of backup or data recovery product? Unfortunately I forgot what the product or company name was. It features an EMO speaking in a female voice, and a woman appears to be writing code for it? Something happens and the project is lost, but then she recovers it. I wonder if LAI knows about this? Anyway keep an eye out for it if you’re watching YouTube videos. I think it only lasted about 30 seconds, and today was the first time I’ve ever seen it.


Would have been nice if you spotted which company it was or a logo then we can do a search for it. If you mentioned a backup and recovery product (even though) there are not too many of them around will be hard to figure out unless we had something else to go on. Hopefully someone else might see this commercial, but most of the time, commercials are tailored to specific people and their interests. But hopefully someone else might spot it as well.

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Yeah I know, Just thought I’d give a heads up in case someone else happens to get that same ad shown to them on YouTube. I wasn’t expecting to see it and was remembering the name. I was going to post about it then had something else I had to reply to first, and by then I forgot the name.

What country are you in? I will keep an eye out for it, as I watch Youtube every day. I’m in Australia, but if you are in the USA for example, I would have to use a VPN to be able to get American ads, which is no problem.

Mac is in the US. I’m also in Australia, so as you mentioned, it might be best to us VPN if you were to have any sort of chance of seeing that specific ad.

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Sorry, I thought it would only be a minute until I’d be creating a post so I didn’t even bother writing it down. I should have just waited until I saw it again and got the name first. I can’t even say for certain what the product did, except for the description I gave. I found nothing trying to Google likely combinations of keywords either. I’ve been trying to get more ads to come up on YouTube switching back and forth between videos. When you actually want to see them you don’t, or you keep getting the same incorrect ones. When I eventually find it again though, I’ll update the thread.


haha this is going to drive you crazy now :crazy_face: I hope you find out what it is, I now personally want to know as well! :rofl: