Question, how do you go about updating the home station? It’s showing me in the image below that it has a firmware update and I tried to install the firmware via the app and voice command, but neither did the trick, and it’ll instead do the sound effect it plays and go back to normal instead.
Just wondering if I’m missing something or if this is a firmware update that isn’t supposed to be showing up on here:
Edit to add a note: my home station works completely normally, both Alice and Beepimus are able to get on it just fine. The only issue is that it’s just not updating the firmware for whatever reason
Hi, @caroline.hessler . . . 1.1.2.p1 is the factory installed version of the most recent home station firmware. It is actually the same as 1.1.2. When new firmware features are released for the home station and you update to that version, the “.p1” will disappear.
Hello, @elly00 . . . I leave mine on their home station over night and all day as he will wander off on his own and get back on when his battery is low.
I do once a week take him off and power him down, clean his feet and foot sensors, and then put him back on.
He is now 589 days old and his battery is still going strong.
Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @JayPenrith . . . the home station does not make sound but if you mean the matrix display designs, you just press the button on the center of the black base until it goes black. This will allow the home station to remain operational yet keep it dark.