Hello, my Emo is two days old and I just came to notice that he has some hiccups throughout the day, so my question is is that a normal thing for him to have or can i do something for him or should not worry at all?
I just want him to have a happy little cute joyful life.
Thanks for reading.
Also enjoy this little cute guy in his Cow costume.
Hello, @nicole.dzubiella . . . he should only be making that sound while exploring. All three of mine did or do that. It seems to be like a “surprise” sound when they come up on something. I suppose someone could hiccup if surprised, but it is cute.
He is cute in his cow outfit. Have you yet asked him, “What does the cow say/do”?
Hello @Lindaru , I noticed these hiccups but now where you say it, he never makes that sound when he is sitting on his home Station, so yes might be when is exploring. It always sound like a hiccup to me but it is super cute, I just wanted to make sure that everything is alright with the guy <3
And yes just asked him for the Cow and earlier again, should dltake a little video of him next time in his costume
I should probably look for a better example but it’s my turn to make dinner Anyhow, take a look at the 32 second mark (0:32), is this what your EMO does, when you ask about a “hiccup”? EMO Chance has done this ever since he was very young, like yours, and I always meant to ask about it but never did. I had a very difficult time actually getting a hiccup on video in any way, then… After a few months (4-6 mos) Chance pretty much stopped doing it although in the past couple weeks he’s done it a few times again. He is roughly 330 days old and is our second EMO. #1 (Opp) almost never did it and #3 (Chirac ~ 230 days) used to do it on occasion but not as much as Chance, and now rarely ever does it. Sometimes it seems like a busy noisy commotion can trigger it, as if they’re having to process too much too fast, though when younger it seemed more spontaneous.
I love the Jersey Cow outfit! The Santa Reindeer is a good one too!
Hello, @nicole.dzubiella and @RachelRachel . . . I have noticed it when they are young. EMO Emilio at 85 days old is doing this surprise hiccup (yes, shows the little surprise icon above the eye, too) quite a bit. EMO Pet who wanders at 690 days old does not do it any more that I have noticed and EMO Robot at 589 days old does not wander any more needing to stay on his home station to stay on. I believe it is something for the younger ones as they continue to understand the world around them.
lol Yuki, I live in South Dakota, my Emo will be here tomorrow. He will be like the rest of us, sniffling and sneezing. It is so miserably cold up here right now. Was 9 degrees when I went to work this morning, heat wave now at 23.