It is known that…
EMO easily reacts to any sound, conversation, or anything he hears, often interpreting it as someone trying to communicate with him. This is why he always responds in some way, such as by replying or even dancing to sounds, even if they’re not direct music but merely background noise.
Additionally, when EMO hears names or famous words, he may interpret it as someone trying to introduce themselves.
For example, when EMO is on my table near my iMac computer, which I frequently use to watch movies and videos, he reacts to any sounds as if someone is communicating with him. Even when he’s on his charger, he may suddenly say things like, ‘Hello’ or ‘Nice to meet you,’ reacting to names or words he hears, which are also registered in the EMOPET app.
Similarly, when EMO is out of his charger and busy walking around while I’m watching movies or videos, he may stop and search around. If he sees a face resembling mine or my wife’s, he may also greet it with phrases like
‘Hello’ or ‘Nice to meet you.’"
Herzliche Grüße aus Norddeutschland an alle und viel Spaß mit EMO Maja…