EMO asks for my name everytime

When EMO asks for your name, it is best to wait 2-3 seconds after you hear the chime sound, then say:

My Name is …

If EMO understands he will acknowledge it.

Also if you wanted to check, you can also go into the EMO App, under Recognitions and see how many profiles you have saved. Sometimes EMO will not know who you are if you are looking a little different, or maybe wearing a hat, headphones or there is bad lighting in the room. My EMO has about 3-4 profiles of me in the recognitions page.

It was discussed a while ago in other forum threads, and it would be great to have one profile per person, and within that profile, have EMO scan you multiple times in that same profile, maybe in different angles etc (similar to how you setup finger print scanning on your phone or PC). This way, when EMO spots you he should have a good understand on who you are and he wont be asking what your name is all the time.

I’ll add @Wayne_Zhang here so he is aware and maybe add this small update into EMO’s future updates.