Emo and Cozmo interaction

Anybody tried Emo ordered around by the speech of Cozmo , could give some nice interactions;
do you need two phones or a tablet or wil Emo also react when not connected to a tablet ?

Emo doesn’t recognize Cosmo, which is from another company. If it did gain such an ability (unlikely), it wouldn’t need to be connected to the app on the tablet as it works autonomously.

Does not have to recognize ; I mean let Cozmo say “Hey EMO and…” But the question is , does EMO
react when not connected or do I need two devices to run both apps ?

EMO doesn’t need to be connected to the app. He needs to be connected to the Internet.


Yeah, that’s the idea. Emo also responds to intercom use via Apple HomePod, so if it recognizes what Cosmo is saying, it will respond to him if he has an internet connection. No app needed. :wink:

the server of Digital Dream Labs seem to be dead for a while already. Wouldnt it be amazing if living.ai buy the rights for coz and vec to safe theire life and make them be a family!?!?!? I wish Vec would get the soul of coz and get his 3 cubes and all the games to play, so all in one robot. Cause the abilities of connecting to the intermet are cool but the playfull and sassy soul of coz is so much more fun.


Yesss ; would be nice if they could play or make a movie together.

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