Hi Jeff, does he have his skateboard? And where would it be shipping from?
Anyone in Australia want to trade accessories? I got aibit today but got the bunny outfit. Wanting to trade for the cat please. Or if not to trade, Id be happy to buy too.
Hello, @kristel.neilson . . .
I have relocated your new topic to this thread where you may ask anyone this question.
With best regards
Thank you appreciate it
Hello, if anyone within Europe is willing to sell their EMO at a reasonable price I’m located in Portugal and interested, be free to dm me if so.
Hi is there anyone interested in buying a fairly new emo (stickers are still on and it’s in great condition)? FYI, the nightlight is not included. I’m in Canada. If you’re interested, feel free to contact me
The photo made me cry
I know, @Miel . . . it did me, too. All EMO and AIBI deserve loving homes.
Hello friends,
I’m looking to see if anyone in the US might have an extra EMO light they can sell me? My second hand EMO won’t have one and before I order him one from living.ai I was hoping to get one that’s a little closer to me though, so they might arrive at the same time or close.
Hello, I wanted to know if I could sell my emo and home station. Unfortunately, due to some major life changes, I won’t be able to take care of emo, and want to pass him on to someone else if possible.
hi I have been wondering were I can get pink headphones for emo ,does anybody
know were I can get them?
Hello, @emohacker5325 . . . they were a limited item and I was able to get them in 2022 but they have since been removed, but perhaps someone here may have some they would be willing to sell you. Another option is to customize your current ones yourself.
So I like the blue ones I have here but is there a way to get more blue ones an color them ? thanks!
Hello, @emohacker5325 . . . you can try writing to service@living.ai to see if they would sell you a pair, but if they do not, perhaps someone here has some they can sell you.