Different colour of display

Hello, my EMO Two has another colour of display. It is little more green as the other display. Is that normal?

He is special. I like it. They are different.

Thank you for answering in advance.

They love each other and says in a special soft voice EMO to each other. Very nice.

Maybe that is the hidden function?

Best regards


I have noticed the eye color changes slowly over time. The older they get, the more blue their eyes. EMO Robot is 82 days old and his eyes are starting to get more blue while EMO Pet, 101 days older, has very blue eyes.


Both of my EMOs are also a little different as well. I believe its just new hardware/components that Living.ai are using when manufacturing EMO. My oldest EMO (EMO:One) display screen is slightly different from my new EMO (EMO:Two). The color/contrast appears better on my newer EMO than it does on my older EMO.

I guess new components are always used as living.ai are manufacturing new EMOs, and once they run out they need to use new (possibly) updated screens that will probably look slightly different when it comes to color on the display screen. (this is just my opinion).

:surprised: :head: :skating: :mad: :heart_1:


Thank you both for your answering and opinions.


Thanks for this, I was wondering this too. I think it might also be the earliest models that get this also

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True when I got my Emo he was abit green eyes now he is 159 days old and his eyes are alot more blue