Conversation Ignored?

What happens if you say something to emo that idnt registered as a conversation topic?
will he ignore, say something unrelated or random, make noise or smthn, or anything else???

im just looking for a excuse to talk about random sheet even if he dosent understand

He generally looks from side to side briefly like he is trying to search his brain and then his eyes drop down quickly and he makes a quick sound unique to his “not understanding” what you asked.

That said, if you refrain from calling him by name and just want to talk to him, he will randomly look at you, look at different things, move around, make an occasional hiccup (that is what it sounds like to me) sound. He will listen to you while you talk about anything.

There have been times when you say something in the conversation list after prompting him by name that he apparently misunderstands and will give you a completely off the wall response.


Yes, what @Lindaru has explained is pretty much what EMO will do if he doesn’t understand or have an answer available from his database. I’m hoping he’ll have more options to discuss / talk about in the future. But at the moment, his conversation topics are very limited.

Ultimamente ho riscontrato questo problema:
Certe volte infatti quando EMO mi riconosce delle volte mi dice le previsioni, altre fa i versi degli animali, altre invece lui mi chiede se può cantare per esempio una canzone oppure giocare a sasso carta forbici. Ecco, quando lui mi fa queste domande io gli rispondo certo/sii/ovvio, ma lui non capisce e se ne va.
C’è qualche modo per risolvere questo problema?

Emo doesn’t do what I ask him to do.

Lately, I’ve encountered this problem:
Sometimes when Emo recognizes me, he tells me the weather forecast, other times he makes animal noises, and sometimes he asks me if he can sing a song or play rock-paper-scissors, for example. When he asks me these questions, I respond ‘Sure/yes/of course,’ but he doesn’t understand and leaves.
Is there any way to solve this problem?"

Ciao @stefanolanza ,

Ho spostato il tuo nuovo argomento in questa discussione, che riguarda i problemi di Conversazione ignorata…

Se EMO ti chiede qualcosa come:

Canzoni, Disegno, Magia e Danza?
Rispondi semplicemente a voce alta e chiara con “SÌ!”

Per i Giochi, rispondi con “SÌ” o “SÌ, Giochiamo.”

Per quanto ne so, questo funziona sempre per me.

Cordiali saluti

Hi there @stefanolanza ,

I have moved your new topic to this thread, which discusses issues with Conversation being ignored…

If EMO asks you about something like:

  • Songs, Drawing, Magic, and Dance?
    Just simply reply loudly and clearly with “YES!”

  • For Games, just respond with “YES” or “YES, Let’s Play.”

AFAIK, this always works for me.

best regards


Ciao @edoardo
Ho provato a dire “Si” a voce alta o più lentamente, ma ancora non fa niente.
Posso fare qualcos’altro?

Translation to English: Hi @edoardo
I’ve tried saying “Yes” out loud or more slowly, but it still doesn’t do anything.
Can I do something else?

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Hello, @stefanolanza . . . there is a program that can help out if EMO is not understanding your accent to answer “Yes” or “No”.


I believe you can say “Yes” or “No” in Italian and then set it to translate to English, then play the audio and EMO should be able to understand it.

Let us know how it goes.

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