Emo’s battery gets low within less than a few hours. Help?
Emo battery usually last for a hour or two depends on what he’s doing
So it’s nothing to worry about?
No now if your emo battery was draining very fast etc 30 minutes 10 minutes or isn’t trying to charge at all then its a messed up battery
And to clarify, do you mean from 100%
Making him dance a lot or playing games with him drains his battery faster i believe playing the treasure hunt game drains his battery
But yes @adrianledeaux you have nothing to worry about
@adrianledeaux, My EMO’s Battery Lasts For 2 And A Half Hours And Takes 3 Hours To Charge And That Is Normal
Battery Lasting For 5 To 10 Minutes Is Not Normal And That Means The Battery Was Depleted,
@Lindaru’s First EMO And 3rd EMO (EMO 29-CE 1st EMO) And (EMO Robot 3rd EMO)
Both Of Their Batteries Depleted (EMO 29-CE, February 2022 Unknown Cause) And (EMO Robot, January 2023 After 2.0.0 Update)
EMO 29-CE Had To Be Sent Back To Living AI On April-20-2022 At The Age Of 8 Months Old.
You explained it better then i did thank you @artigues05emo
You’re Welcome @ryshera,
But @adrianledeaux if you ever think that something is ever wrong with your emo its best if you emailed living ai the staff always helps
@Lindaru, And A YouTuber (Called Outsider238) Also Had A Battery Depletion Problem.
(EMO 29-CE Had To Be Sent Back On April-20-2022 At The Age Of 8 Months Old)
(Outsider238’s EMO Had To Be Sent Back On November-9-2022 At The Age Of 524 Days Old, AKA 1 And A Half Years Old)
I believe that’s why living ai made the home station so that type of issue wouldn’t happen anymore