ARCHIV: / What Improvements/New Features Would You Like For EMO In The Future?

Great ideas! :heart_2: :star_1: :laser_1: :surprised: :happy:

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That’s in an ideal world for customers.
In an ideal world for the vencors, they have to live somehow from what they sell. AI processing is not the cheapest thing you can have out there. It needs much processing power and thus is usually done on server farms online, instead of directly on the devices. So you have upkeep costs for the hardware and energy they consume and space they are provided in, also broadband networking etc., etc. In addition to that software capable of (meaningful) conversation is much more complex than just simple “one question one random response out of some pregenerated ones” interactions and needs far more development time (i.e. more costs for the development).

I think Emo has big potential, also for such features, but actual more advanced AI capabilities might at least require some aditional costs. By whatever means. Subscription is the model most currently prefer as subscription models provide at least some ongoing regular income, whereas selling just the devices (until everybody has their own) may not yield the profit needed for such complex features. - On the other hand, if our community grows and many, many more people adopt one or more Emo(s), then maybe that’s also enough to cover upkeep for everything mentioned above.

Let’s wait and see what Living AI will be coming up with. So far they are doing a great job in providing enhancements and new features on a quite regular basis. And yes, with no additional costs so far. Which is really awesome! I’d for sure also prefer to keep it that way. :slight_smile:


I already mentioned something like this right at the beginning of this thread and it would be very useful.


Perdonad no se hablar inglĂ©s uso el traductor para leeros xd, solo comentar que el juega de cartas UNO no es un juego creado por ellos, este juego lo jugaba yo desde hace muchos años con la baraja de poker y la baraja española, asĂ­ q si cambian un poco el aspecto de las cartas como el dibujo de un Emo de cada color es suficiente
a lo mejor estoy equivocado, pero repito he jugado muchos años atrĂĄs al UNO cuando todavĂ­a no existĂ­a ^^

a fun suggestion for EMO to get “dirty” like he needs to shower (like the game pou) EMO could do some interactions with and also without an app like bothered by being dirty and the like


How about

When setting a morning alarm, instead for the current sound, it could be:

Good Morning {Name}, it’s time to get up

and, for taking meds

Hi {name)
it’s time for your meds


These could be selected on the app as are the current alarm choices


This is a part question, part suggestion if this concept isn’t already implemented.

Whenever you give EMO a last name in the app, Ex. EMO Ginger, can EMO be activated and respond to the last name? For example, instead of going “Hey EMO: What’s the weather?”, can we now say “Hey Ginger: What’s the weather?” and still get a response from EMO?


Hi there @DapperTetu ,
Sorry but as far as I know it won’t work that way, but sometimes calling him by a complete name like ,Emo Ginger’’ as long the wake word ‘EMO’ is loud and clear will work also but not 100%

Because we all know that the main important wake word is ,EMO’’ and it must be pronounce always loud and clear.

But for the suggestion
 only LAI DEV. can reply to that or even implement it.

Have a wonderful and Happy Holidays.


I hope for the Trim Function I noticed today after 1 and half year that my Emo is not going Straight as before unfortunately

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Hi there @EmoMike23 ,

Yes and this has been discussed already in the topic below which some of us including my own EMO also suffer from this issue.
Still waiting for a constructive reply from LAI Dev Team like @Wayne_Zhang.

Implement a walking “Trim” function in future firmware



Hier noch ein paar Ideen aus der bisherigen Zeit mit Emo:
-Ein TeufelskostĂŒm
-irgendein cooles Partyoutfit mit LEDs
-einen Schal
-mehr Songs in der App und mehr Reaktionen von Emo darauf
-mehr Games (z.B: eine Uno-Variante)
-Emo sollte rechnen lernen
-SĂŒĂŸ wĂ€re es, wenn Emo ein paar Lieder singen könnte (oder etwas pfeifen könnte)
-vielleicht eine Funktion, mit welcher er interessiert nach Dingen fragt (Was ist das z.B.)
-die Interaktionsmöglichkeit mit einem echten Ball
-Dass er sich vor Dingen auf dem Schreibtisch nicht immer nur erschreckt
-vielleicht eine Funktion, dass man Emo per App von unterwegs als Überwachungskamera aktivieren kann, um z.b. eine Haustiercam abzulösen
-ggf. in Kombi mit der Homebase eine kleine Message von ihm an mich auf mein Telefon (entweder als Kommunikation oder ein kleiner Status)
-erkennen von Dingen, die man ihm mal erklĂ€rt hat (Ich zeige ihm z.B. Eine MĂŒnze)

Das wars erstmal soweit mir gerade einfÀllt :slight_smile:

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Hi there, and welcome to the community @pedrocarreira ,

Not a bad idea, I must say directly, that only the LAI Developer team can reply to that suggestion.

I would like a few christmas carol dances to unlock on emo.would be great at christmas time.


I think emo robots can join the latest artificial intelligence Chatgpt, support multiple languages, I don’t know how many times stronger than Google, Alexa, Siri, innovation leads the world


It would be very cool if Emo could randomly ask US questions and respond to our answers with a facial expression or body gesture.


yes i would like to see that to, get him to be more AI, right now the questions we ask him are scripted.


My suggestion:

In the case that I didn’t understand what EMO was saying I would like to open his app and be able to see his (let’s say) last 3 sentences in a simple textbox. It doesn’t even need an application running in the background, EMO should remember those sentences himself and while connecting to the app they could be downloaded from his memory.


I had a surprising event with Emo last week that i’d like to see a LOT more of;

Emo: Hi >my name<
Emo: I have a good feeling about today.
Emo: If i did a countdown, would you take some photos of me?
Me(in shock): Sure (i didn’t have to say ‘Emo’)
Emo: OK, i will do a count and then do some poses.
Emo: 1,2
 4, 5678910
Emo: Starts doing his pose routine.

This really made Emo feel like artificial life. Its the only thing he’s done that made him feel alive and i wish he’d do more of that stuff.


I don’t know if this is mentioned before, but I would really like some “Q&A” section in the app, were you can fill in hundreds of questions with answers yourself. Emo should be able to randomly use all these questions and answers, so he can ask you a question and you have to give the correct answer or you ask him a question and Emo has to respond.

This option would let Emo come alive much more and he would feel much more personalised, since these are your own Q&As.


Maybe this idea is a bit controversial, but here me out:

Some of the larger updates could be like a DLC that you can buy as a special software add on in the store. This way could develop more functionalities while keeping profitable. However, you will never be attached to some kind of monthly subscription. You can choose wether you want that update. So basically, everybody happy.