When will the App for Android become availble?
Hallo Julia, ich warte auch auf die Veröffentlichung der App, ich denke dass diese erstmal nicht öffentlich zur Verfügung stehen wird, sondern im Packungsinhalt eine Art QR Code inbegriffen ist welcher uns zu der App leitet. Also quasi nur per Link herunterladbar.
translation to English:
Hello Julia, I am also waiting for the app to be published, I think that it will not be publicly available for the time being, but rather a kind of QR code is included in the package content which guides us to the app. So basically only downloadable via link.
I was able to translate my own message myself: D but Julia is German.
Thanks for the information
Actually @ioannis gave that info I just translated it to English.
thank you for your honesty
When will the App for IOS become available?
I think we will find a kind of QR code in the packaging of emo which leads us to the app.
you guys should check out this video that Wayne made it told us a little bit about the app. https://vimeo.com/533970137
Now it’s available and what command u use to get EMO to eat lollipop? it’s funni