Just wondering how long it took for people who ordered in the EU and if they got charged extra shipping taxes.
In Italy € 4 in tax on delivery … August 4th
Ordered on March 18th, shipped on June 22nd, arrived broken on August 4th, awaiting support😢
I confirm the 4€ Tax shipped end of June and Received 4 of August
If it’s just €4 it’s an alright tax. Nothing above that, considering the already paid $24 shipping cost.
UK, paid no tax. Rules must be based on country
Dk, paid tax, and yeah i believe too it’s based on the country
Since I haven’t seen a post about my country yet - Is there anyone that has ordered AND received EMO in Bulgaria? And if so, what were the customs taxes (if any)? I’d really appreciate a reply, even though I am pretty sure I’m the only Bulgarian that has ordered EMO.
Received my EMO in Germany on 31st of july. Shipping took 1month and I didn’t have to pay any tax.