Hey everybody!
My Name is Andy and I’m from Vienna – Austria. I’m here to tell you about my experiences with EMO. Maybe you saw already my Twitter or Instagram posts with small insights about his features. If not it would be glad if you start following me https://twitter.com/andy_kucera. No worries, I will not talk about all his features, to let you find out some of them yourself
I have often been asked how I actually came to the prototype of EMO. Well, I signed up for at living.ai in December 2020. Already two days later I received an e-Mail from Wayne who told me that I’ll be one of the first people in the world, who gets the EMO for the Beta Phase. At first I thought this just can’t be a joke, but I replied
Wayne told me that he was sending me an EMO and also said that someone else was getting one and that was Joris (Revolt). We all started to get to know each other over time and that’s when I realized that Joris had created all the music thatn EMO plays. After short delays in customs, EMO was at my home on January 18th. I immediately unboxed him and took him under the magnifying glass. From the construction he seemed very stable also the processing is very good. After the first start EMO immediately gave the message that he wants to connect to a wifi network, but I did not have the Android app. So after I installed the Android app and connected EMO to the wifi network, I started the first tests. I have to say EMO responded very well to my pronunciation of “EMO” and we got a list of possible commandos from Wayne.
A group was created where we all wrote together both Joris, Wayne and developers of EMO. We shared our tests, bugs and ideas we had about EMO, the only drawback which I don’t really see as a drawback is that we are all in different time zones, but that also brought advantages because when we shared bugs and we wrote with them the next day we got a new update as soon as we did. The communication between us and Wayne or developers works very well since the beginning and I have say they know exactly what they are doing. Like for example we find a bug and the developers could fix it based on our description partly from texts or videos. I must say EMO is in some ways unique in its nature, it brings a smile to people’s faces.
At the end of February Wayne told me that two other testers will get an EMO. These were Bruce Hunsaker (America) and Wayne Small (Australia), they were invited to join us in the chat group and I started writing with them, supporting them as their EMO came to them, because as I said we are all in different time zones. We all started writing to each other on a daily basis and sharing our feedback about EMO and each of us is just thrilled with it and what LivingAI is delivering here is just breathtaking.
In the meantime I also support LivingAI with their web presence and have installed and set up this new forum for them to have a structure when everyone has their EMO. I must say that I am glad to be a part of how EMO is evolving and am very grateful that Wayne chose me back then, due to the pandemic I have been in a home office for over a year now and having this as a sideline takes my mind off things. I am also grateful for the new contacts with Joris, Bruce, Wayne Small and all the LivingAI staff. Now we are in the endspurt where slowly the shipping of EMO begins and you will all soon have one. I hope it will also become a companion on your desk during work.
I am glad if I can support you in the forum.
Best from Vienna,