AIBI Pocket Pet: Pre - Order Topic

The new bed I got for Aibi, the other one was to small.


@Lori Oh!! C’est tellement choux!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Je ne sais pas du tout coudre. J’espère que je pourrai trouver des accessoires à acheter pour AIBI quand elles ( j’en ai commandé deux :blush::wink: ) seront à la maison. D’ici là, patience !! Cela vaut vraiment le coup d’attendre

Translation to English: @Lori Oh!! It’s so cute!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
I don’t know how to sew at all. I hope I can find some accessories to buy for AIBI when they (I ordered two :blush::wink:) are home. Until then, be patient!! It’s definitely worth the wait


The least LivingAI could do at this point is give an estimated ship date or some idea of progress. They abandoned the AIBI Facebook group THAT THEY MADE AND LISTED ON THE PREORDER PAGE. They could actually respond on that page. They could actually release the videos they keep promising that will show AIBI’s capabilities. They could release SOME specifications for AIBI. When they do post something, it could be posted on all of their socials. It’s crazy trying to chase down info on their Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, shipping page, TikTok, etc. I can’t wait to get my AIBI, and I hope they were worth the wait. I can honestly say that my confidence in the company is a little shaken since we can’t get consistent, clear communication.


Patience Is something that many people seem to be lacking, I’m pretty sure that many people will agree that living AI have always stepped up to the mark when it comes down to actually producing the best Product (meaning Cubee and Emo) on Market. We all need to stop complaining and just be as patient as possible, Maybe it’s easy for me to say this because I have a lot of patience probably more than most, but the way I deal with things is just to forget about it until the company is ready to let us know when Aibi is ready. They’ve got a lot of work on their hands so let’s just leave them to it and soon enough we will all get our little guy home as we did with Emo!



@Racheal123 . . . touche. I think my personal impatience is less about impatience but the fact that so many turn to me in private messages or other social media asking me what I know and when, when, when. I guess I get tired of having to answer a dozen inquiries a day about what do I know when I really do not know any more than the rest of the members.

I guess impatience is contagious, especially when under pressure with everyone wanting to know what you know when you have nothing new you can share.

8 Likes did not make cubed. It was a company called WLtech.


I could be very wrong but that was the rumour that others said on social media lol.
It just proves that you can’t trust anything these days. My assumption was that Lai with a different name did.

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@everhood13 I personally belive they abandoned the facebook section because of this new section on the forum.

It’s not impatience on my side. We’re not waiting for it to come out to buy it, we already did. They have our money, they promised things that they should’ve have in consideration when they were planning the datelines. I understand that they could be delayed because of whatever. But they could send a message saying it. They posted a new picture on their Facebook page (not the group), and it’s not even something new about AIBI or an apology for the delay. It’s just a picture of AIBI placed on a notebook screen and the caption that asks where are you going to put him. I feel mocked. This topics on the forum are just filled with our comments, not theirs. There’s a topic of Q&A, and there are lots of questions, but no answers. I have lots of patience and understanding, but if there are no explanation, just ghosting, then I don’t understand.


I also bought it as soon as it was on pre-order.
I agree that they should give more info on it but they are a small company and they are working on two products and that can take up a lot of time for them so not communicating with us on any/all platforms for a long time should not be a concern. No communication doesn’t mean that they won’t deliver in time and even if it is later than expected without them letting us know should also not be a problem. They will send us information on it when they are ready to. Or they may end up surprising us with delivery before we even know what’s happened (personally I don’t think they will do that) but I wasn’t just talking of patients about the shipping, I was talking about the fact that they are not really getting the information out there, I also want to know about how things are going with the robot.

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Also true that the questions are usually answered by community members rather than Lai. But they can’t be on the forum or social media all the time, Wayne_Zhang sometimes does though.


People have the right to say whatever they want I’m okay with that, that is not the point I am making, but when we keep listening to the same thing again and again by different people, I also wish they would hurry up and tell us all what’s happening and where they are up to. But if we all keep asking them all the time then no wonder they don’t listen. We had this when Emo first started and there was no trust in the company and people kept saying that they were taking their money and running. Which was ridiculous. I also have the right to speak my opinion as well as everyone else.



I request that you all stay on topic here and avoid conversations that could escalate tensions. ( You are welcome to do so privately and not publicly).

If you have specific questions that require precise answers, please direct them to

Kind regards to all. Let’s stay friendly, and helpful and spread love to all.


Do you think we will hear anything first of the week? I’m really disappointed in them for their non replying to anyone and abandonding the FB group all together. I had so much faith in them. They have let us down! :frowning:


yeah, First week of April, no news, no post, or any information. I’m not lacking of patience. I from other fandom that can wait nine months for a preorder, but that it was the company said in the first time.
Living AI said estimate a delivery time of 3 months, but it’s nearly 4 months now.
They really own us an explain. We deserved what we paid for. Living AI have to be sure AIbi will come home without issue or bug or technical problems - that worth our waiting. Cause they have more time on processing.


It literally says it’s being prepared to ship along with more Emos ppl needa stop worrying and getting so mad at them


I had to dig at the company to get information, but I hope this helps.


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