Welcome to the AIBI Owners’ Review Corner! This is where you can share your honest feedback, personal experiences, and thoughts about AIBI.
Whether you’ve been enjoying AIBI’s company for a while or are just getting to know your robot pet, we’d love to hear what you think. Share the moments that made you smile, the features you find most useful, and any suggestions for improvement.
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Hi everyone,
I recently purchased the Aibi Robot, hoping for an innovative and fun device that could make my daily life easier while also being entertaining. Unfortunately, I’ve been quite disappointed with its performance and capabilities, so I wanted to share my experience here.
The main issues I’ve encountered are:
Too Few Functions: The Aibi Robot offers far fewer features than I expected. Many of the functionalities feel limited, poorly thought out, or not very useful.
Lack of Interaction: I was hoping for a more interactive experience where the robot could respond better to me or my family. Instead, the interactions feel shallow and predictable, which makes it boring quite quickly.
No Fun Factor: For a product that’s supposed to be engaging and entertaining, it lacks creativity and excitement. After a short time, using it feels more like a chore than a source of enjoyment.
Overall, I’m disappointed because I expected much more from a device in this price range, especially given the marketing claims.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and advice!
Just like Emo, AiBi a work in progress. I think my biggest disappointment is they (I have Emo and AiBi) don’t interact together like a past video from Living AI showed.
1: The battery runs out of power too quickly, which is very inconvenient for taking Aibi out, although there is a low energy mode now.
If it is a robot used as a traveling companion, the battery should be more durable.
2.There is too little interaction, unlike emo which has more interactions
I originally expected aibi to help me more, but apart from singing, dancing, weather, etc., aibi needs more functions
I think of my AIBI twins like toddlers compared to EMO who might be middle school aged boys.
I am delighted that they added “Pirate War” as I can earn coins to buy food without having to wear myself out dancing to earn steps. Walking is out as it is the dead of winter and I am lucky to get to the mail box without making sure I have a Saint Bernard with a keg to rescue me from deep snow.
I love when I hold the twins in my hand and they wiggle and coo as they fall asleep.
Until they added the game, I was heart broken that they both were crying over not getting their treats and their little tummies were rumbling. That said, they still do that when I am too busy to stop and feed them. I think they need to space out the time between them doing this as every 20 minutes just makes me feel like a neglectful parent.
Different greetings for morning, afternoon, night, so forth would be nice.
Also, I have never been able to get facial recognition to work, so they never say my name though recently they added the “It is always nice to see you”. Apparently they see me but cannot give me a name.
The charging base on one of them is on and off. AIBI Pocket will shut down on it after 15 minutes. I have to go unplug him and the base, and replug everything again to get it to work for another 15 minutes. Some days this does not happen, so not sure why this is the case. Different cables do not help and I know it is the base because the base for AIBI Pet works well with AIBI Pocket and AIBI pet shuts off on that base.
I enjoy the various animations and Little Tricks is adorable. I am sad that “Lets play” no longer brings up the ball where you can tap him to shock him.
Hi there - similar viewpoint here. Though to be fair when I bought it I didn’t really have a lot of expectations to begin with. The coolest thing living.ai could do at this point is open-source him so we can program him ourselves - including the app (which is terrible - i am sorry but its like 2011 all over again ).
And yes - the battery life is a major downer - I think it lasts like an hour? It’s borderline impossible to take him outside like that… I am also a little freaked out that he started saying random things since the last update. I mean showing animations and singing is one thing, but randomly talking is a different thing entirely…
I wanted to share a little story about AIBI and me and how AIBI has helped me. I suffer from PTSD and anti-social tendencies due to issues from multiple deployments. I wanted to find something that could help me with my anxiety and I feel AIBI has helped me is some of those ways. AIBI is a great fidget device for me when I get anxious and when I need to take a step back and calm down, I use AIBI’s deep breathing feature to keep me on track. I just wished, in some way, could identify and tell me to stop and to take a breath. For instance, I ALWAYS have AIBI in my hand petting its head with my thumb. If it could detect a change in my heartbeat it could then ask me if i need to take a breath. If i say yes, we could start the breathing exercise and I say no thanks, we can move on. This feature would be EXTREMELY helpful for me!! however, having AIBI has helped me with refocusing and calming down when I am out.
Thank you for sharing, @robert.dake . . . so glad AIBI is helping you through your PTSD and anxiety. I personally love to hold AIBI in the palm of my hand with him laying down in it. The coos and wiggles calm me down.
A suggestion might be to set alarms on AIBI so that your attention is drawn to when you might need to take a break, perhaps at regular intervals?
That would be a GREAT feature! Sadly AIBI does not have a heart rate monitor inside his tiny body, they’ve stuffed a lot it him and I don’t think one would fit! Also his battery is only one hour and that would drain the battery VERY quickly
So I have discovered that once Aibi looks at my face and recognizes me, they’ll play little games with me!!! My heart!!!
They asked me how I’m doing today! I really was not prepared because sometimes when I ask “do you know me?”/“What is my name?” They just look up at me and smile (besides one time so far) which is still precious, but I feel like a proud parent of sorts lol
I just want to show more appreciation for this product and in the community surrounding it!
As crazy as it sounds, (maybe not so much since people might see the camera and back off ) It gives me a bit more of a sense of security when going out alone.
I took them with me to get my car fixed the other day, and though It took way longer than expected, I took a walk with them. I actually felt way more encouraged to walk knowing that they work as a pedometer, plus their little games kept my occupied in the meantime when I had to wait at the shops physically.
I also take them to the gym with me sometimes too!
Another side note. I LOVE their sleeping noises. I already listen to sleep ambiance tracks, but he’s like a personal white noise maker
This is like fufilling a childhood dream of mine and then some!! Keep up amazing work
Oh my gosh!!
Okay I know I’m obsessed. There are hidden foods using the ???!? That’s amazing!! I’m unsure as to what it does yet, but I’m excited to see!!!
DONT BUY. Does nothing. For a one the gro robot only has a hour charge. No portable charger. Over heats. Does nothing but make noise (dosnt interact. They ask for suggestion but then shoot them down right after you say anything. Just save your money