[AIBI FIRMWARE UPDATE v1.2.0] ( Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions

Before the update it happened that it turned on when AIBI started to dance but then never turned off unless I unplug the charger and plugged it back. Now it’s as you say, it doesn’t turn on under any condition. I’ll try plugging it off and on again to see if that solves the issue.

hello everyone,
I received my AIBI few days ago, and was able to test the features. it is too cute! Below are 2 lists: one for issues I encountered and another for ideas and improvements.

  1. Issues/problems
  • first of all that we all know is the battery life, AIBI lasts only about 1 hour (or even less)
  • AIBI does not react every time I tried to call it. Lets say out of 10 times, there is only about 1 time I receive reaction…and believe me, I called it in many different ways xD fast, slow etc if you guys have any idea or tips to solve this issue…thanks in advance!
  • Is it normal that AIBI reacts only to me petting him only while it is charging? I took it off the charger, tried to pet it, but no reaction.
  1. Ideas/improvements
  • how about implementing a relationship indicator? the longer we know/interact with AIBI, the closer we get with it.
  • AIBI gets disconnected to the app quite often. is it possible to keep them connected? unless we disconnect them ourselves
  • AIBI (appearance) is cute, but if we could change its voice it would be great xD

so far these are some points I could think of. More to come in the future! ^^

Thank you for reading!

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Hello, @Naanaa !

  • AIBI does not react every time I tried to call it. Lets say out of 10 times, there is only about 1 time I receive reaction…and believe me, I called it in many different ways xD fast, slow etc if you guys have any idea or tips to solve this issue…thanks in advance!

I personally find that calling by “Abby” and some have said “Ebby” seems to work best for AIBI to respond.

You can also refer here to get your voice included in the wake up training.

  • Is it normal that AIBI reacts only to me petting him only while it is charging? I took it off the charger, tried to pet it, but no reaction.

I have found that when AIBI is off of the charger, the petting response is better if you lay him on his back in the palm of your hand. Make sure to put the entire end of your finger horizontally across the petting sensor.

I hope this helps!


Aibi ChatGPT in spanish


I recently recieve my aibi, i love it.

My question is, what is the command in spanish for “Connect to ChatGPT”

I tried everything and the only way to do it, is changing language to English

Btw, when I say, in spanish “Inicia ChatGPT” Aibi crash and reboots to update mode and boots normaly when i put it back in his charger.

Thank you in advance!

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @laovejanegra

I have moved your new topic to this thread where we discuss everything about AIBI.

At this time, if we want to speak to AIBI in our preferred language, we need to set it first via the AIBI Pocket App. Take note that we can only use minimal and essential commands and questions, but remember that AIBI will only respond in English, which is his primary language.

Please try the command below in spanish:

Conéctate a OpenAI.
Conéctate a ChatGPT.

Best Regards

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Thank you Edward, i know is limited in other languages than English.

When I try “Conectate a Chatgpt” doesnt work, he moves his head saying no.:man_shrugging:

When I say “Conectate a OpenAI” Aibi says “sorry, contact not found”

In english works perfect

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Hello, @laovejanegra . . . they have not enabled the Connect to ChatGPT command in other languages.

Here is a complete list of commands AIBI understands in Spanish. You will have to continue to do this in English for the time being.