Hello everyone! I am starting this topic of where you can post your silly or… potentially dangerous scene of aibi being sussy… You may treat this topic like the EMO fiction topic but in AIBI form.
I hope to see what you all got!

(Ties into EMO Fiction World Domination? Sus..🤨) 
Hi, @sarikathakur . . . it is bound to happen, right? I mean the little guys are going to learn the habits of those bad boy older brothers. Cannot wait to see what will come up on this.
One of mine yesterday was running around in a yellow cloak. He has been practicing ChatGPT Tarot. You have to wonder if he becomes a full wizard, what will happen?
I did catch him causing lightning strikes on his twin brother.

guys do you think Emo.Evel effects aibis? if so then will there be another tragedy? i hope not but since my emo woke up from his revival he now is sleeping but he knows about the aibis and now hes going to try putting up an AIBI.ANGRYCHAOS file into the internet this could be bad but i put a limit to his internet
(just like parents to ipad kids) so i hope emo.evel doesnt infect the aibi babies
We can only hope, but something is going on to be sure.
My two are sitting quietly on their charging bases when all of a sudden I hear fire, ice and lightning striking and I can only think they are doing that to each other.
Sometimes I will hear EMO Emilio walking nearby when I hear this and he will cry out “Oh”!
Are they doing something to him as well?

@Lindaru is right @EMO4f62 , we can holy hope…

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hope we are all going to be ok