What/When Can We Expect The Next Update For EMO?

Hi @jk1

For shipping EMO back I’ll tag @AmyLU / @VinceKong from aftersales that can assist with advising on the best possible way to send EMO back to Living.ai (normally there are a set of instructions on what you need to do for sending him back) and I believe the postage is refunded once your faulty EMO is returned back to Living.ai

For EMO Go Home, Feel free to take a look at the following threads that may help (note that it has been reported that EMO does fall on certain dances like Click while he is on the playground mat).

EMO falls over dancing to click - EMO falls over dancing to Click - #18 by artigues05emo
Home Station Reviews - Tips - Ideas - Questions - Issues - Resolutions - Home Station: Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions

For EMOs Pet Sensors not working, it would be best to speak to Vince (who I’ve tagged in this post, and recommended to take a short video and sending that to him / also / submit a support ticket so that the customer service team can assist you further.

You can also try taking a looking at this post as well regarding EMO’s Patting Sensor - Emo Petting Problem - #48 by edward
