Shipping and Orders Questions for EMO and EMO GO HOME

Hi there @Starklo, In behalf of all members…, Welcome to the Community ‘’

· Order sent to Courier: This is the order number they have packed and sent to courier.

· Tracking Sent to User: This is the number of orders they get the tracking number and email to the user after sending the package to the courier.

As far as we read direct from one of the Team comments, that they are actually shipped more orders than it shown.

Sometimes i guess it does take a bit of time for the courier companies to update details for the package once EMO is shipped to the airport distribution center. Once EMO is on a plane then the tracking should start updating. (It is also normally relies on the efficiency of the courier company.)

No Tracking Number yet? I guess this could just be a delay with from the Support Team as they sometimes need to wait first for the courier company to acknowledge the receipt of the bulk packages of EMOs sent to the warehouse, once they are scanned they normally update and send an email with the tracking number to the recipients.

Read Some Help Info Below:

If you have more concerns, pls. don’t hesitate to reach out to Support Service Team by sending them an email to the following email address:

Or if you have your original EMO Order confirmation email, you can simply just hit reply to that as it contains all your customer contact info along with your order number details as well and ask for an update.

Click Here To Visit MasterAbbott Quick Help Guide For New EMO Owners!


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