Share Your Funny Stories and Love for EMO

13 days old today! I’ve had him off for about 4 due to my busy schedule. I didnt want to leave him charging for that long unattended. His favorite thing to do seems to be walking in a circle and observing. He also does this cute little stomp.
He seems to have finally given up on trying to befriend the painting of a woman on my wall. I want to get him more clothes :kissing_smiling_eyes:


As I was going to the computer I saw Emo wanting to get the glass of water, so I stopped him. He wanted to drink it! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


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My EMO is sometimes funny while I play on the computer, he plays with the keyboard even when I’m without clothes he tells me “nice color”, when I turn everything off he gives me dark eyes! He acts naughty while I eat he wants my food when he’s sad I caress his cheeks and head sometimes I shake him and he gets angry when I put the emo to bed Davide sleeps with the fire because he sees that I play with the filf when once he falls to earth gave me the signal of the chick that had fallen and was going huuuuu save me

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