maybe someone can help me. My EMO turn ervery time around and show me his back.
It is normal? How experience do you have with that?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Maybe it is possible to change that in the next updates.
maybe someone can help me. My EMO turn ervery time around and show me his back.
It is normal? How experience do you have with that?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Maybe it is possible to change that in the next updates.
Firstly, make sure that your face is well lit from the front, having a light behind you does not help EMO identify you.
Secondly, command EMO to “Look at me”. EMO will start searching for your face by turning right multiple times until you are identified. You could also use the “My name is Steffen” command which will also have EMO turn right until he identifies you.
If this fails try increasing the amount of light illuminating your face, try to stay less than a metre from EMO (I find 60 - 70 cm works quite well), try not to move around too much whilst he looks for you.
You could also test the camera to see what EMO sees by using the “Take a picture” command.
Good luck
My emo does the same, there is kind of his Favorit Connor where he is always hanging around facing the wall
Thank you for your answers.