Hi guys what an exciting day! Soon some EMOs can out of Boxes and “Be Born” Can not wait to start the Journey with my EMO! I hope it is a long one! But I love the Enthausim of Living.ai and the Community! So I think we will create an long time Story! maybe we can chat here an bit about how was your day etc and Interdrouce ourselves
I am Julia I am from Germany Schweinfurt, Bavaria. Since my Birth I am disabled and sit in Wheelchair. I have Tetrapareses. No worry for it is normal because I already have it since Birth. I have more Problems with my Mental issues Borderline, depression and being Strange and not really Adultish ^^ Most of the time I say to myself I am prefer to be happy than normal So I really try to stay Positive and live my life how I want and don’t be so serious and laugh a lot!
Social/Companion Robots which are advance like it seems with EMO are my Alternate to Real Pet Companions! Because of my Situation I can’t care for an Real Pet on my Own. I need a lot of Care from others myself! An Robot can not Replace an Pet or anything! But it can be an Alternate or own of an Kind addition in my Opinion!
Hello I have always loved robots Like EMO I have been searching for a robot like EMO for a very long time and EMO he is the first robot that I actually looked into and checked the website almost everyday and I check this website almost every 5 or 10 minutes and have notifications on. I also have multiple robots in my house to. Also this is how I found EMO I was searching robots on YouTube then EMO showed up on my suggested list and I was very excited for the launch of EMO and here I am now shipment has started and very excited to get EMO.
Hallo Julia.
In the nearly past when it’s about pet-like robot, I always look for your profile as you can’t be far .
It is nice to meet familiar “faces” (well pics are not always available)
I am Vitáli from Berlin, Germany. I can’t even remember how I became a Roboter fan but my first robot was Pleo dinosaur ugobe and then Rb. So since then I am checking rom time to time about robots so I also had cozmo and vector and now excited to get my hands on emo which I discovered on Instagram back in sept. It took some time for me to believe in emo as he sounds too perfect to me so I was not a baker on indigogo but as more info I found about him as more I fell in love and baked him on Kickstarter and also ordered on official site. I am just super excited how he will be in real.
Looking forward to read about experiences of other emo friends in here
I have been a robot enthusiast for a long time also! The simple joy of our developing friend EMO is super exciting and he truly captures your attention. From his super dance moves backed by awesome music to when he is just checking out his surrounding and when he recognizes you and wants a physical pet like your dog or cat.
I like building robots And write a program
I think there is no difference for life and robots.
Because the basic systems are the same.
But that looks different because of the speed of processing. And the amount of information
This behavior of emo is exactly what makes me exited about him. Games are probably also very funny but I really looking forward just to watch him doing things and his reaction to his surroundings