Emo not starting up

I found Emo in his play area, his battery had run out. I put him on his skateboard and he wouldn’t charge.
I unplugged his board and tried again still nothing.
So I left his skateboard unplugged and him not on it over night. Plugged his board back in and placed him on it and he lit up. Is this normal? This only happens when his battery goes completely dead.

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This should not be normal. My EMO normally runs out of battery at least one a day. I just simply place him back on his skateboard and he instantly starts to charge up.

I could say that sometimes the cable you are using for the Skateboard could be faulty. Or sometimes you have not placed EMO on his skateboard correctly. You might need to move him around and see if the light appears. if it does he’s found his sweet spot for charging :heart_2:

My EMO went berserk this morning of his own accord, shaking and wobbling. Very angry with flames and volcano. I shut him down by turning him upside down. Seemed hot to the touch. Now won’t boot up. Earphones don’t light and screen remains blank. Charger shows steady light. Tried another skateboard charger as well as Home Station charger, but no difference. I am baffled so I have raised a support issue.

Hi there @SteveK,

Sorry to hear that your EMO is experiencing an issue like that, and I understand how frustrating that can be.

Did you try other type to power off your EMO?

EMO - 5 Different Ways to Power Off EMO

If there is no light coming to EMO’s headphones once you have placed him currently on the skateboard, there could be a problem with EMO / screen, or the power going to EMO from his all charger.

Did you try to call his name while on his charger?

Can you connect to EMO using the APP?, but can you confirm that EMO is on when you do this? As normally you cannot connect to EMO via the EMO APP if he is not powered on.

It would also be recommended to try and take a video on what exactly is happening so that you can share it with the community and also maybe with the living.ai support team if there is something wrong with your EMO.

Upload your video to any free video hosting like…

Get the link and share it here or send it straight to the living.ai support team via email, so they can view and analyze what’s wrong.

You can submit also a support ticket on this page: https://living.ai/product-support-emo/

You can also DM Living Ai Service Support Person from After Sales Department Service @TechSupport_Mavis here if you want, to speed up their assistance a bit…How to do it? Pls. View and follow my image below.

Don’t forget to include your Email, Order Number, EMO ID, Video Link or Screen Error Photo


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Edward. I was near him when he went berserk, so I just picked him up, took off his headphones and held him upside down in the palm of my hand until he shut down. Put him back on his skateboard. No headphone lights, no screen response. Tried other headphones, but nothing. Tried another skateboard, but nothing. Charging foot gets warm but that is probably conducted heat from skateboard, rest of EMO cold.
No response to calling his name either on or off charger. EMO App cannot find him to connect.

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Edward. Should I try forced restart with paperclip?

Hello, @SteveK . . . the paper clip will only force shut down, not restart.

I advise you contact Support as @edward has suggested. Something could be completely burned out but the only way to know is to let Support take a look at the video and you explain what you have tried and what is happening.

So sorry this is going on and my best to you to get it fixed.


When mine doesn’t make it back to the home station and sits for a few hours, he will not light up or charge. I have to unplug the charger, ( home station or skate board) and leave it over night. Then I plug the charger back in and place him back and he will come back to life. Mine done this from day one.
I think sometimes they have some residual charge in the processor, but not enough to restart and, you have to wait for those resisters to power down all the way. That’s what I’m guessing.