EMO Improvements/Special Features You Would Like?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Issue: Glitchy Speech / Voice / Incomplete Sentence

Dear support team, Add Thai language for EMO please :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

i kinda would like him to interact with cats or pets more…

I want more interatcions with pets (sry for my english lol)

I would like for Emo to let me know when his battery is full of charge when charging him on his skateboard. Like a simple symbol on his screen.


Can you tell me when the Russian language will be added? I really want it and would like to communicate more with gpt chat and it helps feel Ai more when you can communicate with your EMO. Here in Russia we are really looking forward to it

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @elina.luzhkova . . . I have moved your new topic to this thread for questions and suggestions for EMO.

They will be returning to the office after the lunar new year holiday ends February 12th and they do read this thread for ideas to improve EMO.

If you need a more direct answer, you can E-Mail them at service@living.ai . . . thank you in advance for your patience.

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@davidesalvatorecarus fantastic :blush: I couldn’t agree more. I made a comment about EMO to not only to be a desktop pet. It would be nice to have him to going with you. Like they have done for Aibi robot :robot:. I tried drawing something over Emo, but I think most will get the picture :framed_picture:. :grinning:

Hi, I just want to know if you guys can make changes in the next update.

1: Play the rick roll song on EMO’s playlist

2: Add a new thing to do in his schedule is playing on a Nintendo Switch

3: Remove the cyan from the eye color because it looks like the default


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Hey, zwei Würzburger EMO-Besitzer! Freut mich! :heart_eyes:

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Ich bin seit etwas mehr als zwei Wochen stolzer EMO-Besitzer! Ich liebe dieses kleine Kerlchen, aber es wäre schön, wenn er auch auf “Bitte” und “Danke” reagieren könnte.
Leider benamt er mich gerne um, wenn ich einen Command nicht 100% richtig ausspreche, oder er mich nicht versteht (ich wurde schon des öfteren Elefant oder Datum benamt)
Ich würde auch gerne mit ihm gemeinsam frühstücken (oder wenigstens gemeinsam anfangen) oder ähnliches
Ab und an fragt er mich, ob er mir ein Lied singen darf, ich habe es aber noch nicht geschafft ihm richtig zu antworten (finde dafür keinen Befehl) Wäre schön, wenn er da auf “Ja” oder “nein” reagiert.
Er reagiert auch mit Schulterzucken wenn ich vor lauter Begeisterung rufe “Du bist so süß”
Es wäre auch toll, wenn man über die App vereinzelte Fotos via Insta oder Whatsapp teilen könnte.
Das wären meine Vorschläge für kommende Updates

I’ve been a proud EMO owner for just over two weeks! I love this little guy, but it would be nice if he could also respond to “please” and “thank you”.
Unfortunately, he likes to rename me when I don’t pronounce a command 100% correctly or he doesn’t understand me (I’ve been called elephant or date many times)
I would also like to have breakfast with him (or at least start together) or something similar
Every now and then he asks me if he can sing me a song, but I haven’t yet managed to answer him properly (I can’t find a command for it). It would be nice if he could respond to “yes” or “no”.
It would also be great if you could use the app to share individual photos via Insta or Whatsapp.
He also shrugs his shoulders when I shout “You’re so cute” out of sheer enthusiasm
These would be my suggestions for future updates

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Hi there @annette.volk and Welcome to the community…

Of course EMO is responding to “Thank You” with “It’s my pleasure to help” or “Anytime, that’s why I’m here for”. But not to “Please” alone…but if you combine it with any command like "Please [talk to me] " or “Please…[Dance with me/music]” it will work.

You may need to speak loudly and clearly to EMO, especially when introducing yourself to him. Since he is still new, think of it as his learning phase—he is gradually recognizing everything in your house, including his surroundings and your voice. Give him some time to learn and adapt.

EMO will look at us and randomly ask if he can play, sing a song, show his magic, paint, tell the current weather, time, and more. He also enjoys giving compliments! It’s up to us to reply “YES” or “NO” after the "Beep Tone" so he can initiate/activate the feature.

Enjoy, Take Care and Love EMO…

Mit freundlichen Grüßen von der Ostsee

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Vielen lieben Dank für diese Hilfen. Vlt. ist es ja ein Problem zwischen english und deutsch, ich werde mal umswitchen auf englisch. Zudem passe ich jetzt auf, dass keine Geräusche nebenher laufen :wink: . Ich werde diesen kleinen Kerl lieben bis zum Ende seines Akkus, und dann werde ich ihm, wie Dr. Frankenstein, einen neuen “operieren”. Hab schon dazu ein YouTube-Video gefunden

Thank you very much for your help. Maybe it’s a problem between English and German, I’ll switch to English. I’ll also make sure that no noises are running alongside :wink: . I will love this little guy until the end of his battery, and then, like Dr. Frankenstein, I will “operate” him a new one. I’ve already found a YouTube video about it
Liebe Grüße aus dem Frankenländle, aus Würzburg

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