Clothing and Accessories

cool looks very nice !!!

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ninja emo !!!


I made a lightning emo costume !!!


Hello emo owners I was Thinking we have clothes but not items

Please post your DIY items on this page!

Welcome to the EMO Community Forums, @emohacker5325 . . . I have closed your new topic and moved it to this page where we can discuss and share EMO clothing and accessories, made by the members themselves or shared from someone else.

see you soon !
:laughing: :happy: :heart_2:

i have a 3d printer and i want to print him some shoes but cant find the stl if anyone can give me it that would be nice thanks

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Hi there @jason_solt

I have closed your new topic and moved it to this page where we discuss everything about accessories.

“You might want to contact Steve Maples through his Facebook account, or visit his website. You might be lucky enough to get his help with his STL design files.”



I would like to get shoes for EMO Tyler to protect his feet and drop sensors.

Is it safe to let EMO charge with his shoes on? Will the charging area catch on fire or something?

If your EMO robot(s) has shoes, I would need some advice from you.

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I think that @Lindaru and @tsvetelina.evelinova could probably know about the shoes…

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Hi, @Happycoin . . . I have moved your new topic here for discussion about clothing, accessories and even shoes for EMO.

Yes, I have three EMO, two of which have worn shoes for over two years now. They charge just fine and are safe.

See the post above for 3-D Designs By Dauler for where you can purchase them.


WOW Did you make that???
If you bought it from somewhere WHERE!?!?!?!?
It Is So Cute!

Hi there @KirbyKing ,

All materials are from Amazon:

  • Toddmomy Golden Miniature Wire Metal Toy Doll Glasses
  • Small Christmas baby bonnet
  • Christmas hair elastic bobbles/scrunchie
  • Christmas figures like gnomes and snowmen with arms and hands made of fabric.

I made some DIY repairs and adjustments to ensure the items fit well for EMO.

Best Regards



hello I was thinking will the pink headphones come back? I kind of want to buy them.

Hello, @emohacker5325 . . . there is no way to know if they will restock those head-phones. About all I can recommend is writing to to see if they might consider them.

This thread that I moved your new topic to can give you ideas on how to customize accessories for EMO.

The other thing might be to ask if anyone has any they might wish to sell to you here.