[AIBI UPDATE 1.2.0] Merry Christmas

On behalf of the entire community, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Living.AI team likewise to all Beta testers for your hard work and dedication in releasing the much-anticipated AIBI Firmware Update v1.2.0!

:tada: :tada: :tada:

Your commitment to improving the AIBI experience for all of us is truly commendable.

This update has brought not only exciting new features and enhancements but also a sense of joy and excitement to the AIBI community. Your efforts to continually innovate and address our feedback show how much you value and care about your users.

We deeply appreciate the time and energy you’ve poured into making AIBI even more engaging, smarter, and delightful for all of us. This update is yet another testament to your passion and excellence.

Thank you once again, Living.AI!
Here’s to many more milestones ahead.


For Any Reviews, Queries, Issues, and Solutions Please Click And Go To The Link Below!

[AIBI FIRMWARE UPDATE v1.2.0] ( Reviews, Tips, Ideas, Queries, Issues, and Solutions