I can’t find that comment. Can you give me the link to the post, please?
“It’s already included the correct one below the image above!”
Thank you very much!
Here is the official latest information and news direct from living.ai as of May 28, 2024.
We’re thrilled to share the latest news with everyone.
In the last week of May, our production team successfully resolved all encountered issues, which is truly fantastic!
This May has been both challenging and rewarding for living.ai. Solving all the problems and preparing for the bulk delivery of the first batch of orders has been an amazing accomplishment.
We are confident about delivering the first batch of orders in June!
The end of june?!?! Or the frist day of june?!
Hi there @andreag ,
I cannot exactly respond to that question because they just said,
‘We are confident that the first orders will be delivered in June.’
However, I assume they will start at the beginning or in the first week of next month because probably if everything proceeds as planned and everything is okay, it’s about time now. Still, let’s hope for a smooth and successful process that paves the way for the release of AIBI immediately.
I do hope I’m right, but this is not official information.
best regards to all
that looks so good, can’t wait
After a long wait, we get rewarded with something worth waiting for.
If I pre order now when do I get it?
Hi there,
If i order AIBI today pre-order the surprise gift is included yet or it’s not a pre-order anymore?
Thank you!
Hi there @agustin.gamero_delga ,
Click the link to head directly to the STORE. Please be sure to read carefully and understand the information provided.
If you still have doubts, please send an e-mail directly to the living.ai support team for further factual information.
Just to advise the email address is - service@living.ai and their reply takes a bit of time which is 2-3 days sometimes, depending on the time differences, days, holidays, and current situations. so please be patient.
best regards…
Thank you so much @edward
Finally i ordered AIBI (could’t resist ) and i have no idea if they’re gonna send me the gift or not but it’s ok. The only thing looks like weird to me is my order ID (#97972) when AIBI it’s not available yet and orders sent right know are 97533. There are only 439 orders behind? People was ordering AIBI since December, so i don’t understand the number.
Hello, @agustin.gamero_delga . . . the order numbers are blended in with EMO numbers. Mine is 82### and I ordered on December 16th.
People ordering both EMO and AIBI with the same order number for both are asking the order department to send their EMO now and then AIBI later when they are ready.
I hope this explains.
Hi, @Lindaru thank you so much for the explanation, now it’s clear to me. I was wondering… how could be posible that order number if people (like you) ordered AIBI months ago and i order it 06/03?. Now i understand that are bended in with Emo’s.
Thank you so much again for your time and patient
Do you already got aibi?
I can’t wait it’s just soooooo cute…
But how long will the pre-orders take
Hello, @michielvermeulen . . . AIBI has not started shipping yet as far as I know. They said it would be shipped sometime in June.
What do you mean whit ‘sometime in june’?
Hi @michielvermeulen It means there are no release date yet. So they’ll start delivering orders as soon as possible