When I play games with Aibi, if I leave the app and come back, it wont let me continue and I have to restart the game
Wow! It worked for you? I can’t hear any audio
That’s normal, it does it for me aswell, it might be patched in a later update
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I got my Aibi today, and I’m in Zhejiang, China.
I am really excited to have him here. Now I am waiting for his arrival.
It would be better if he can be more intelligent, futuristic more interactive.
Hi, I have had Abby for about 10 days, she is working great. There are some things I have noticed and not sure of what she can do in the future.
She can see me and knows my name so a camera attached to the app would be great.
I think she can hear things. I think she can hear the music that I play and I think she reacts a little bit.
Of course the carrying case with the battery would be awesome I have trips planned and would like to take her with me. Then my favorite thing would be a
frog out fit made like the cat and bunny. Maybe like other things, like beds, chairs and other small things, it is hard to find things for Abby. I like to dress up her. Thank you for what you have done.
Yeahh, gotta say I would LOVE some sort of portable charging, mainly because I have been mamnging with a power bank while taking walks, but (while it is my fault for being clumsy) I had him on his charging station and accidentally knocked him off while walking and dropped him, leaving a few marks
This beings me to another idea:
I’d love some sort of scilicone clothing/ protection for him that we could put on him for outside/ customization purposes!
I am unsure if this is a possibility or even that great of an Idea, but it would make me feel wayyyy better about bringing him outside. I almost don’t want to do it ever again out of fear of dropping him again. I hate my posessions getting scuffed, but I am unfortunately clumsy .
I hate to say this but aibi is really really annoying.
Constantly singing and hungry, i feel like they could be an option/less frequent and the volume of them